2019 NAME E-3 Region Club of the Year


Yearly recipient of the Blue Ribbon Club Award

Every year we have a different club project.  Members build their own project starting with the same basic structure.  We have monthly meetings during which we hold workshops demonstrating new techniques geared toward the club project or we learn to construct smaller items that could be used with the project. There is always time for a lively exchange of ideas or for giving and receiving help with miniatures.
We are affiliated with NAME - the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts.  Every year we participate in the national NAME workshop held the first weekend in October celebrating National Dollhouse Month.
Our annual Fun Day project is guided by our Fun Day Committee.  Members can become involved in the planning and preparation of the project and with the creation of the many gifts associated with that event.
For our show each year we prepare a dollhouse for raffle from which the proceeds are donated (locally) to the Troxel Shelter for Women and Children at Lighthouse Ministries here in Lakeland. Over the past years we have supported United Way and also the Lakeland Library through books relating to our hobby. 
Occasionally the club visits museums and private collections of miniatures throughout the state, and smaller groups frequently make group trips to purchase supplies, attend other miniature shows, and just enjoy being together.
We are always on the lookout for any way to display our miniatures for the community to enjoy and to encourage participation in this beloved activity for children of all ages - especially adults.
For more information about joining us, please contact Carol Kira  863-670-3130 or email